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Named "Leader" in AI foundation software, DataCanvas has the strongest technological innovation ability!


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Frost&Sullivan has officially released the "China AI Foundation Software Market Research Report (2023)", revealing the latest insights into the development and innovation of AI foundation software in China. DataCanvas has been named the "leader" of AI foundation software and has demonstrated the strongest ability in the "technological innovation" dimension evaluation, becoming the most prominent AI foundation software supplier in the leadership quadrant!

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Image source: Frost&Sullivan, " China AI Foundation Software Market Research Report (2023)"

Sullivan is one of the world's largest industry research and consulting institutions, renowned for professional third-party surveys and evaluations. Through continuous attention and trend analysis of artificial intelligence technology, Sullivan deeply explores and fully affirms the importance of AI basic software in the industry chain.

"As the core element that determines the efficiency of model training and computing power utilization, 'AI foundation software' has become increasingly important. The development of this field will create more unique and valuable social and economic benefits."

——Frost&Sullivan, " China AI Foundation Software Market Research Report (2023)"

The Research Report on the China AI Foundation Software Market Research Report (2023) released this time (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") The aim is to clarify the basic concepts and classifications of AI foundation software, explore the core driving factors of the industry through sorting out the development process and industry chain, analyze the current market trends of the AI foundation software industry, and construct a manufacturer competitiveness system based on the three key dimensions of application, product, and ecology, evaluate the core competitive advantages and comprehensive barriers of mainstream players.

DataCanvas has been focusing on independent research and large-scale application of artificial intelligence foundation software for many years, and has performed excellently in the three evaluation criteria of "technological innovation, ecological cooperation, and market performance" in this report. Ultimately, with an absolute advantage in the "technological innovation" dimension, it occupies the highest position in the leadership quadrant of AI foundation software!

"DataCanvas is a leading AI foundation software vendor, with innovative, flexible, and scalable core product lines such as AIFS artificial intelligence foundation software and DataPilot."

——Frost&Sullivan, " China AI Foundation Software Market Research Report (2023)"

AI foundation software ushers in huge industry opportunities and development advantages

The AI foundation software defined by Frost&Sullivan "includes a series of platform software products and solutions required for enterprise level AI applications, and is the most important efficiency support for the implementation of large model applications. The development of AI foundation software determines the depth, height, and breadth of artificial intelligence development. It promotes the rapid development of large model applications and promotes the large-scale application of AI by governments and enterprises."

The report points out that in the vast platform like opportunities of the AI2.0 era, applications, platforms, and infrastructure related to AI2.0 will become hot topics, including industry and investment. As an important platform for training, managing, and applying AI large models, AI foundation software will evolve into huge industrial opportunities in the long wind of AI2.0.

With the increasing demand for large model applications in various industries and the supply-demand contradiction of insufficient engineering and technical capabilities, the role of AI foundation software is becoming increasingly prominent. "As the top priority of AI infrastructure, AI foundation software provides comprehensive AI scheduling and model services for enterprise customers, including one-stop model platforms such as machine learning, as well as data intelligence platforms, real-time decision centers, data lakes, data warehouses, and other data platforms serving AI. This reduces the threshold for customers in various industries to train their own artificial intelligence models, achieving cost reduction and efficiency improvement."

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     At the same time, the report points out that the AI foundation software market has great development advantages. The current booming AI large model market injects momentum into it, favorable policies provide institutional guarantees, and open-source evolution provides a good ecological soil... The development of the AI foundation software market will continue to accelerate.

  • The value of AI foundation software toolchain is highlighted, with "extremely high added value"

  • The large model is a milestone technology for artificial intelligence to move towards universal intelligence. The report points out that breakthrough progress in areas such as large-scale datasets and model training computing power cannot be achieved without the underlying support of AI foundation software.

  • The current parameter standards for large models are not uniform. Compared to the parameter level, the effectiveness of the model and whether it can support fast iteration are more important for users in practical applications. Users can quickly and inexpensively fine tune and iterate customized small models on the basis of a white box large model, in order to efficiently achieve rich scene large model applications. This once again highlights the importance of the AI foundation software toolchain.

  • The report shows that AI foundation software is located in the middle of the industry chain and has "extremely high added value". The AI foundation software industry chain consists of upstream infrastructure and resource providers, midstream AI foundation software platforms and one-stop AI development platforms, and downstream application field enterprises. Among them, the midstream is the core of the industrial chain, starting from simulating human intelligence related characteristics, constructing application technology paths, mainly including AI foundation software represented by foundational open-source frameworks and technology open platforms.

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  • Frost&Sullivan believes that the midstream application technology is becoming more mature, and the industry pattern is basically formed, mainly including AI foundation software platforms and one-stop AI development platforms. Cloud vendors tend to provide customers with end-to-end overall solutions, hoping to bundle customers as a whole. In contrast, currently leading AI foundation software platforms can be embedded into customer cloud systems in a modular manner, fully meeting the requirements of customer autonomy and controllability. For example, DataCanvas adopts a " AI Cloud in the Clouds" strategic deployment, embedding its software technology into the ecosystem of Tianyi Cloud, and focusing on providing AI services as an independent third-party, which is more controllable and independent for large customers.

  • DataCanvas has become the backbone of the AI foundation software industry chain with its core product series AIFS artificial intelligence foundation software and DataPilot. AIFS empowers users with the ability to independently build large and small models, including a complete set of fully open, highly automated, and highly collaborative software tools such as the DataCanvas Alaya "General +Industry" White Box Large Model Matrix, APS AI Infrastructure Service Platform, BAP Business Automatic Modeling Platform, DAT AutoML Toolkit, YLearn Causal Learning Software, etc., accelerating the accumulation of autonomous AI capabilities and model scaling that users urgently need; DataPilot, as a new generation data architecture tool product based on self-developed large models, includes tools such as DingoDB multimodal vector database and RT real-time decision-making center platform, helping users build a secure and controllable "vector ocean" independently, achieving full chain intelligence and automation, and empowering users with future oriented multimodal real-time data processing capabilities.

  • The recognition of DataCanvas as the leader of AI foundation software this time is a high recognition of its technological advantages, product strength, and business model in AI foundation software. Under the dual drive of the times and independent innovation, the company will maintain its leadership advantage, continue to lead the development of AI foundation software, closely cooperate with upstream and downstream ecological partners, and fully empower the intelligent development of AI in various industries.